Referral Resources
Play Gap offers referrals to both national and local organizations and educational resources to assist in the areas of coaching, overall wellness, mental health, LGBTQIA education, job training, racial equity. and much more.
Use the tags and categories below to find relevant links.
Stark County Mental Health and Addiction Recovery
Supports wellness and recovery through innovation in funding, collaboration, education and advocacy. Crisis hotline: (330) 452-6000, Main office: (330) 455-6644
Stark County Job and Family Services
Administers state and federal programs designed to help those in need, including parents with children, neglected and abused children, low-income families, medically disabled individuals, and the elderly. Programs and services offered include work experience and subsidized employment programs, child protection, child support case management, subsidized child care, and food, cash and medical assistance. Main office: (330) 452-4661, Report child abuse & neglect, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: (330) 455-KIDS
Community Legal Aid
A non-profit law firm serving the legal needs of low-income and senior Ohioans in Columbiana, Mahoning, Medina, Portage, Stark, Summit, Trumbull, and Wayne counties. Here you can find a list of all their main office locations, including each area's contact information.