Referral Resources
Play Gap offers referrals to both national and local organizations and educational resources to assist in the areas of coaching, overall wellness, mental health, LGBTQIA education, job training, racial equity. and much more.
Use the tags and categories below to find relevant links.
Lorain County Urban League
Programs aim to give underserved African Americans and other marginalized minorities the support they need to overcome the unfair obstacles presented to them in employment, entrepreneurship, housing, and education. Main office: (440) 323-3364
NAACP of Lake County
Ensures the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and discrimination. Contact (440) 639-1008 to learn more about programs and how to become a member.
Wayne County Racial Justice Coalition
Hosts various events, campaigns (e.g., public policy initiatives), and opportunities to get involved in making Wayne County a more equitable and inclusive place for its residents. Email to learn more.
Akron Urban League
Aims to improve the quality of life of the citizens of Summit County, particularly African Americans, by facilitating programs that are economically and educationally transformational, centering around education, workforce development, and career readiness. Main office: (330) 434-3101
Community Foundation - Racial Equity Fund
Supports the transformation of structures and systems with the goal of providing access and equal experiences. The fund is requesting proposals up to $25,000 to strengthen relationships between marginalized communities with law enforcement with the goal to improve policing policies and procedures and/or build capacity of nonprofits and community organizations to bring about impactful measurable improvements in racial equity. Contact: (440) 984-7390
Organization of Chinese Americans (OCA) Greater Cleveland
Seeks to advance the social, political, and economic well-being of Asian Pacific Americans in Northeast Ohio. Main office: (216) 236-3946
Karamu House
Provides arts education and produces professional theatre while honoring the African American experience. Programs/community outreach: (216) 795-7070, Box office: (216) 795-7077
Birthing Beautiful Communities
Focuses on racial disparities in infant mortality through working with expectant Black mothers and young families. Emergency hotline: (216) 402-0924
Bessie's Angels
Seeks to educate, empower, and provide permanent housing to young women who have aged out of foster care. Call (440) 256-6663 to connect with a member of their team.
Northeast Ohio Hispanic Center for Economic Development
Services are offered in the areas of business planning, financial management, access to capital, marketing, and specialized training sessions. Main office: (216) 281-4422
Arab American Community Center
Services offered include immigration, interpreting, refugee assistance, government referral assistance, economic services, voter registration, and English language classes. Main office: (216) 252-2900